Sunday, February 1, 2015


I have been honored to participate in a quarterly blog hop hosted by Lindsay Starr and Sherri Stokey.  It is the "Beading Back Through Time" challenge blog hop which has broken down our world or very existence into four main periods in time:  Before People, Ancient People, Early Civilization and a Favorite Period In Time.  Each quarter will feature one of these periods and the challenge is to create something inspired by each period in time using any medium or combinations of materials desired.

This installment of the challenge begins with "Before People."  This was a time of dinosaurs and earthly upheavals and we first saw life join a world of rocks and minerals .... a prehistoric time.

I chose stoneware and glass in an ancient fossils and stones theme.

If you follow my work, you know that I love to use the handmade components of fellow artists.  This piece is no different.

The beautiful stoneware ammonite fossil focal was made by Pam of Indian Creek Studios.  

The red stoneware ring is by Karen of Starry Road Studios.  It represents the planet earth.

The bronze clasp is hand cast by Green Girl Studios.

Two lamp work beads are by Linda Cogbill.  To me these glass beads represent stones, sand, and striations in sandstone.

I finished the design with Czech glass river stone textured beads and ammonite fossil beads and fire polished beads with copper accents finish the designs.

Thank you for visiting.  Be sure to "Blog Hop" your way through the other participants and enjoy their contributions to the Before People installment of Beading Back Through Time.

Co-hostess:  Lindsay Starr of Phantasm Creations
Co-hostess:  Sherri Stokey of Knot Just Macrame
Kelly Rodgers of Beadin' Black & Blue
Michelle McCarthy of Firefly Design Studio
Caroline Dewison of Blueberribeads
Melissa Trudinger of Boho Bird Jewellery
Sue Kennedy of SueBeads
Stephanie and Chris Haussler of Pixibug Designs
Jen Cameron of Glass Addictions

Jean Wells of Jean A. Wells Artisan Jewelry


  1. Great piece, Jean! I love how you've taken bits and pieces from several different artisans, stirred them all together and added some Jean magic to make a beautiful, cohesive piece.

  2. Fantastic Jean! I love how you included how each element represents the theme for you. Thank you so much for playing along this quarter!

  3. Hi Jean, you captured the prehuman time really well in your beautiful necklace.

  4. Love the ancient feel to your design, each component is perfect!

  5. Love the design. Love the color harmonies.

  6. Wonderful design! The colors really sing!

  7. Love this piece, Jean! All those ammonites in one place = YUMMY! Thank you for sharing!!!
